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About Abstract

The developers communityin Crete


There's a lot of us, devs, here in Crete. Yet, we hardly ever get together in large groups, or even know each other – somewhat strange for our small community, we hope you'll agree! This group is an attempt at bringing us all together for informal chats about what we're all passionate about: technology and software. Join the meetup, learn, teach, speak your mind, sharpen your skills, share the knowledge and help us build a community where devs can openly exchange ideas!



calendar icon12/09/2024 | 19:00

Optimizing Teams and Processes

calendar icon11/07/2024 | 19:00

Modern Git Development Tools & Workflows

calendar icon30/05/2024 | 19:00

Exploring Private Decentralized Storage: An Evening with Ian Preston and Peergos

calendar icon11/04/2024 | 19:00

Modern Security Practices

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